Please Don't Ignore This See 5 important Symptoms of Hiv you need to know

5 important Symptoms of Hiv you need to know

HIV is a devastating that affect over 1 million Americans, HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. HIV may develop into AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

The symptoms for HIV are varied and many people do not know they are infected until years after they are acquired it. HIV spread through bodily fluids.
The virus can pass through blood, semen, per-ejaculate, and virginal fluid. It may also be spreed to children through breast milk. There are currently no cures for HIV, but scientist around the world are testing hopeful possibilities.
Here are the signs and symptoms that may come with HIV infection.
If you have practiced unprotected sex, watch out for fevers as a symptom ;f HIV. Early after being infected by HIV, you may experience flu like symptoms. This can include a tow dared fever that you not respond to medication. You may experience night sweats as a response to fever. The fever is an inflammatory reaction to the virus entering your blood steam.
Sore muscles and joint pain are common symptoms of HIV infection that occur in the early flu like phase. This can be caused by the swollen lymph nodes, or from rheumatic illness. Rheumatic disease affect the muscles and joint of the body, causing inflammation. This disease can lead to arthritis, fibromyalgia, and vasculitis. Some HIV medications can also cause these symptoms.
A dry,persistent cough can be a long term symptom of HIV infection. This symptom is not typically cured with medication like antibiotics and cough suppressants. Coughing may be an early symptom as the body reacts to the new virus. It is also a long term symptom caused by damaged immune system. The cough may develop into pneumonia, which can be a serious symptom with dangerous effect.
One of the first symptoms of the flu related symptom of HIV is an unrelenting headaches. The headaches may develop chronic after affecting a person for 15 or more days per month.50% of people infected with HIV will experience headaches as a symptom, while 27% ill experience chronic ingrains. This is compare to the general population,where only 2% of people suffer from chronic migraines.
Weight loss in HIV infected individual is common through the progression of the disease. When first infected the flu like symptoms can cause nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting this can cause a temporary loss night as the illness condition called AIDS wasting. The U.S Department of health and human service categorize a person having AIDS wasting when they have lost 10% or more of their body weight and have experience related weight loss symptoms for a period grater than 30days.


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